Friday, May 30, 2014

The Summer Capital (Baguio City) | Guide + Itinerary

"The City of Pines" & "The Summer Capital of the Philippines"

It is arguably the hub of tourism in Luzon, especially during the month-long festivities of the Panagbenga Festival. It has the best thrift shopping places with its ukay-ukay stores. A food trip paradise with its numerous restaurants. And a weekend-getaway haven, with its numerous tourist spots and general accessibility from Metro Manila. Its year-round cool and temperate weather only adds to its charm as a tourist destination. 

Well, many people are throwing up negative words about this city, they are saying 'Baguio' nowadays is far different from 'Baguio' in the old times. Hmm, yes i consider their thoughts right since I've been there for 4 times and I noticed the changes, not to mention drastic changes, of Baguio City nowadays.Some are saying there are much difference of the temperature than before (though i blame it on global warming), and for some it is now crowded and congested than before (well for me it's expected if you know something about statistics), but whatever it is, whatever negative thoughts about this place i am hearing, I would love to come back in this lovely city anytime. ^^,
Baguio City is located some 250 +/- kilometers away from Metro Manila and is elevated 1,450 meters above sea level. Buses are the usual transportation of choice when going to the city and travel time usually clocks in at six hours (from Manila). There used to be flights in and out of the city in years past, but is has been discontinued indefinitely.

Victory Liner to Baguio City V I C T O R Y L I N E R  From Pasay, Caloocan, Cubao & Manila
 6hrs Travel Time | With Wi-Fi | Fare Php445.00 | (02) 727-4688 
Dagupan Bus to Baguio City
D A G U P A N B U S  From Cubao
6hrs Travel Time | No Wi-Fi | Fare Php445.00 | (02) 727-2330
Genesis Bus to Baguio City

G E N E S I S From Manila & Cubao
Philippine Rabbit Bus to Baguio City6hrs Travel Time | No Wi-fi | Fare Php445.00 | (02) 709-0803 

P H I L I P P I N E R A B B I T From Manila

Saulog Bus to Baguio City6hrs Travel Time | No Wi-Fi | Fare Php444.00 | (02) 734-9836 

S A U L O G From Cavite City
7hrs Travel Time | On Board Wi-Fi | Fare Php515.00 | (02) 727 2330

NOTE: If you are coming from Bulacan or Pampanga, you better go to Dau Bus Terminal in Mabalacat City, these bus liners coming from Metro Manila are passing Dau Bus Terminal to get more passengers bound to Baguio. 


     Jeepneys and taxis are the main modes of transportation in Baguio City. Although it can be said that taxi cabs are more prevalent in the city than jeepneys.

     This is probably due to the fact that taking a taxi in Baguio is very cheap since most don’t need to use their air-conditioning, saving a lot on gas. Cab drivers in Baguio City are also very honest, giving back your change up to the last centavo. Flag down rate is Php35.00. 

     It’s still, however, cheaper to ride jeepneys whether you’re going back to your hotel or some tourist spot in the city. Most tourist destinations in Baguio City is, more often than not, accessible via jeepneys. Don’t be shy to ask locals where the terminals are for any given destination. Minimum fare is Php8.50.

     There are uncountable number of lodgings and accommodations in Baguio City. They range from cheap backpacker types to really posh hotels. It would take a dedicated website to list each and every inns, hostels, motels, dorms, homestays and hotels in Baguio City, so I’ll simply list down some. Although it’s usually very easy to get a lodging as you arrive in Baguio City, I advise that you book ahead,  especially during the busy Panagbenga and Christmas seasons.

There are many hotels out there, just check for information. If you're on low budget, there are also Transient houses available within city, which is much cheaper than hotels.

If you ought to stay in a transient house near Victory Liner Terminal, try to visit Perlas Transient House in Facebook. You can also reach the owner, Paulino Perlas in his personal Facebook account here or reach him through these numbers, 0929-621-4400 / 0922-363-2522 / 0927-826-4930 / 074-423-0453.

     Baguio City is a food-lovers paradise. The city has every cuisine you can think of in every style of restaurants possible. You can dine cheaply on Chinese dishes on one day and splurge on the same dish on a different restaurant the next day. But since you’re in Baguio, might as well chow down on greens more; fresh veggies are quite abundant in the area, making them really affordable. 
     Most restaurants crowd around the Session Road area, but be adventurous and try some out of the way places too. Also, check out curious art cafés that makes dining almost secondary.
       Baguio City is one of the most visited regions in Luzon. With its slew of tourist spots that keep visitors going back, year after year, it really isn’t hard to reckon why. From pine-laden parks, to native villages. Horse-riding to boat-paddling. Trail hikings and strawberry pickings. Art museums and haunted houses. One can say that tourism is Baguio City’s middle name.

Baguio Cathedral

  B A G U I O   C A T H E D R A L

  Address: Fr. Carlu Loop, Cathedral Hill, Baguio City
  Contact Number: (074) 424-7871 | (074) 442-4256

Balatoc Mines in Benguet

  B A L A T O C   M I N E S

  Address: Balatoc Road, Itogon, Benguet
  Contact Number: (074) 447-2624 | (074) 447-2610 | (074) 447-2621

Bell Church in Baguio City

 B E L L   C H U R C H

  Address: Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City
  Contact Number: (0917) 355-4788

BenCab Museum in Benguet

  B E N C A B   M U S E U M

  Address: Km. 6 Asin Road, Tadiangan, Tuba, Benguet
  Contact Number: (074) 442-7165

Baguio Botanical Garden

 B O T A N I C A L   G A R D E N

  Address: Leonard Wood Road, Baguio City
  Contact Number:

Burnham Park in Baguio City

 B U R N H A M   P A R K

  Address: Burnham Park, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Burnham Park Orchidarium in Baguio City

 B U R N H A M   P A R K   O R C H I D A R I U M

  Address: Burnham Park Shanum Street, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Camp John Hay in Baguio City

 C A M P   J O H N   H A Y

  Address: Camp John Hay, Loakan Road, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Camp John Hay Eco Trail in Baguio City

 C A M P   J O H N   H A Y ’ S   E C O   T R A I L

  Address: Camp John Hay, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Laperal White House in Baguio City

 L A P E R A L   W H I T E   H O U S E

  Address: Leonard Woods Road, (In front of PNKY), Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Baguio's Lion's Head

 L I O N ’ S   H E A D

  Address: Lion Park, Kennon Road, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Lourdes Grotto in Baguio City

 L O U R D E S   G R O T T O

  Address: Dominican Hill Road, Mirador Hill, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Mines View Park in Baguio City

  M I N E S   V I E W   P A R K

  Address: Outlook Drive South, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A
  GPS Coordinates: +16° 25' 10.81", +120° 37' 38.11"

Old Diplomat Hotel in Baguio City

 O L D   D I P L O M A T   H O T E L

  Address: Dominican Hill Road, Mirador Hill, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

PMA in Baguio City

 P H I L I P P I N E   M I L I T A R Y   A C A D E M Y 

  Address: Fort Del Pilar, Loakan Rd, Baguio City
  Contact Number: (074) 442-2300

Strawberry Farm in Benguet

 S T R A W B E R R Y   F A R M

  Address: Brgy. Puquis, La Trinidad, Benguet
  Contact Number: N/A

Tam-Awan Village in Baguio City

 T A M – A W A N   V I L L A G E

  Address: 366-C Pinsao Proper, 2600 Baguio City
  Contact Number: (074) 446-2949 | (074) 442-5553

Wright Park in Baguio City

  Address: Leonard Wood Road, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A 


       Shopping for pasalubongs and keepsakes is part and parcel of visiting Baguio City. One simply cannot go back home without bringing jars of strawberry jams, choco flakes, kinky barrel-man carvings, tacky shirts,  keychains and ref magnets with you. Add the fresh veggies and strawberries that can be bought very cheaply almost everywhere and you’ve got more than you can probably lift back home. You’d definitely run out of space for those walis tambos and giant kutsara at tinidor carvings very quickly if you don’t watch it.

Baguio Public Market

  B A G U I O   P U B L I C   M A R K E T
  Type: Market
  Address: Rajah Soliman Street, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Night Market in Baguio City

  N I G H T   M A R K E T   U K A Y   U K A Y
  Type: Second Hand Shop
  Address: Harrison Road, Baguio City
  Contact Number: N/A

Baguio City Tourist Spot Map
Photo credit: Lakad Pilipinas

SAMPLE ITINERARY (4 Days / 3 Nights)

Day 1
01:00 pm:     Arrival & Check-in into your hotel
02:00 pm:     Baguio City Market | Session Road
07:00 pm:     Dinner - Night Out

Day 2
08:00 am:     Breakfast
09:00 am:     Botanical Garden | The Mansion | Wright
                       Park Riding Circle | Mines View Park |
                       Good Shepherd Convent
12:00 pm:     Lunch at Camp John Hay
01:00 pm:     Camp John Hay | Historical Core |
                       Butterfly Sanctuary | Scout Hill | EcoTrail
03:00 pm:     Philippine Military Academy
07:00 pm:     Dinner / Night Out

Day 3
08:00 am:     Breakfast
09:00 am:     Burnham Park | Baguio Cathedral |
                       Lourdes Grotto | Tam-awan Village |
                       Arko ni Apo | Easter Weaving Room
12:00 nn:      Lunch
01:00 pm:     BenCab Museum | Woodcarvers Village |
                       Asin Hot Springs | Nangalisan River
07:00 pm:     Dinner / Night Out

Day 4
08:00 am:     Breakfast
09:00 am:     Souvenir Shopping: Baguio Market
12:00 nn:      Check-out of your Baguio Hotel

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